Wednesday 13 March 2013

vHa-VeNDa CuLturE

vHa-VeNDa CuLturE

An introduction of who I am...
As with most of the other tribal peoples of Southern Africa, the Venda migrated southwards from Central Africa. They are regarded to be one of the last black groups to have crossed the Limpopo River. They first settled in the Soutpansberg Mountains.
vHa-VeNDa ArcHitecTUre
Above, a Venda homestead photographed at Mbilwe prior to 1928. Duggan-Cronin wrote: The work of cutting and erecting the poles of the hut is done by men, the plastering is done by women, as is the thatching. The little wall around the veranda is usually very skillfully ornamented, with various colours obtained from the different-coloured earths in the region.